Do take note of a temporary change in Storehouse opening hours from Mar to Sep 2025 - closed on Sat but Sun (except 5th Sun of the month). See "Visit Us" for updated timings

Play a part by volunteering

As a volunteer-driven organisation, we welcome individuals, corporations, schools and organisations to join us in touching lives and transforming communities. You do not have to be trained, equipped or a professional before you can join us. We are just looking for like-minded people who are willing to make a difference in the lives of children, youths and women in Singapore and especially in the poverty-stricken villages in Cambodia.

If you have an interest in any of the areas below, join us as a volunteer and make a difference to our world!

  • Administration – data entry, sorting and filing of documents, photos, videos
  • Thrift Store – sort, organise and display the goods at Siloam Thrift Store
  • Fundraising – plan, organise and execute campaigns to further our works
  • Event-planning – assist in the planning, coordinating and implementing of the various community events that we conduct locally and in Cambodia

humanitarian-trip.jpegWe organise humanitarian trips to Kampong Thom province, Cambodia throughout the year to spread the message of love and compassion to the poorest, especially to the children, youths and women in these villages. We welcome you to join us in any of the activities below.

  • Health & Hygiene Wellness (HHW) Trip – You should be medically trained to bring medical assistance to the villagers. Otherwise, you may consider taking up supporting roles to assist the medical professionals administratively.
  • Health Ambassador Partnership (HAP) Programme – You believe in taking charge of our health to improve our general well-being. Through the programme, you will get to train the villagers on having good personal hygiene and basic first-aid skills, and empower them to take responsibility for their heath and spread the message to others in their community.
  • Children and Youth Camps – You believe in the power of education and love to pass on valuable knowledge to the next generation. Through the camps, the young people will learn about subjects ranging from English language, Bible studies to the Arts. More than that, it will be a golden opportunity for you to inspire them to realise their fullest potential!
  • Leadership Training – You have a passion to train up leaders and see the value of good leadership for a more sustainable impact. You will equip the leaders with tools that they may continue to use to better their lives and that of others.

Initiative-led Trips – Such trips are meant to meet the most pressing needs of the villagers in the most practical ways, such as “Feeding the Poor” and “House Repair”. You will get to witness first-hand the living environment of the poor and offer solutions to improve their situation.

SIGN UP as a volunteer today! Together, we can make a difference! You may also reach us at or Contact Us here
