Do take note of a temporary change in Storehouse opening hours from Mar to Sep 2025 - closed on Sat but Sun (except 5th Sun of the month). See "Visit Us" for updated timings


class-activityWe strongly believe in empowering through education. We want to see every child having access to quality education. And we hope to keep children in school, especially those from the poorest households. We also create a conducive environment for students to develop holistically and become all-rounded individuals.

  • Project Teach & Empower 

We conduct regular day camps to impact life skills and general knowledge to the students. The aim is to expose the students to a wide range of activities and allow the students to discover their strengths and interests. So far, SOL has brought in teams to conduct camps in Sports, Health and English language. We hope to expand further to music, visual and performing arts and further enhance the holistic development of the youth. 


  • Project Excellence 

    Project Excellence seeks to reward students for their academic achievements and their efforts in personal development. It recognises their talents in other fields such as arts, music and sports.

    Since adopting a local secondary school, Toul Damnak Secondary school in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia, we have been giving awards to the ‘Best Student’ and the “Most Improved Student” of each class and level every year. The students who topped the class or level will receive an award consisting of a medal (for the top in class) or trophy (for the top in level), a cash prize and a book prize. We also provide financial aid to the school to help the needy students who are weak in their studies to attend remedial classes and catch up with their peers.


    • Befrienders Programme 

      The Befrienders Programme is an English based programme aimed at increasing the exposure of Cambodian students to the rest of the world through meaningful interactions with student volunteers from Singapore. We aim to build confidence in their English language skills and encourage them to interact with foreigners and explore out of their comfort zones.

      Our training team prepares and provides our student volunteers with the materials to conduct the weekly sessions. They will then utilise the materials to guide and hold meaningful conversations with the Cambodian youth while imparting reading and comprehension skills. We are thankful for the befrienders, who facilitates the session with the Khmer youths, and the moderators, who help to observe the assigned group and ensure the session run smoothly and objectives are met.
